Splash Start

What is Splash Start?

It's simply a program launcher with a splash screen. Sometimes programs take quite some time to load. A common solution is to use a "splash screen", or identifying graphic, the tell the user the program is on the way.


The Splash Start executable is start.exe. It takes no command line parameters, but will read values from a start.ini file found in the same directory. If no start.ini file is found, all default values are used.

Section: SplashStart
ExecutePath Command line to run.
StartupPath Current path when program executes.
Parameters Command line parameters.
ImageFile.\start.bmp Image to display, note that this can only be a Windows .BMP file.
Delay3000 Milliseconds that the splash image will remain visible.
DelayLaunch1000 Millisecond delay before start.exe attempts to run ExecutePath.

Source Code

This is a very simple program consisting of a single C file. (Well, you need a few extra resources to stick a custom icon in, but that's auxiliary to function.) The complete project is in the download.

However, I wanted to put the main program here. Why? Because I couldn't find any good examples of the this extremely simple project and had to write one myself. If I save just one programmer from that fate, my work is done ;).